Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

I consult private and public organization based on research within management and communication. I have no “one-size-fits-all” solution. On the contrary. I am skilled in uncovering the unique dynamics of the organization and driving processing that enables the organization to break with dysfunctions and re-establish new ways of thinking and doing. I work towards longterm and sustainable solutions, that benefits bottom-line, employees and society. Contact me for more information

Let me share my latest research. My talks provide food for thought and insights in often overlooked organizational dynamics. I enjoy talking about managing change, internal communication, organizational identity work, and storytelling. Contact me for more information.

Reports and Analyses
Most companies I work with conduct a number of different surveys among employees and managers. But numbers need words to explain why the statistics look like they do. I use observations and narrative interviews to go deeper and uncover the organizational stories beyond the numbers. My conclusions are drawn in the intersection between the participants' voice and the latest research.
Contact me for more information

My workshops are tailor made to address the challenges of the specific organization – and together we seek to create new ways of seeing the world. Perhaps it is midlevel managers, who needs to be more prepared to be actively involved in future change process. Perhaps it is executive management who seek new ideas to using framing or storytelling as way to mobilize the organization. Perhaps it is employees, who needs a reflective space to discuss change process and typical reactions to them.
Contact me for more information.