Join Next Level
Career Mastermind
if you feel....
I lack direction and a clear idea of my academic profile
I have too many balls in the air and find it difficult to prioritize
I think work/life balance is difficult
I struggle to confidently communicate who I am and build network
I need more time to write for publications and grant applications

Hi, I am Sanne Frandsen
... I am your
Mastermind coach
The reasons I love Mastermind groups are that...
You get help that addresses the unique situation you are in.
You get multiple ideas on how to solve your problems based on the knowledge sharing and insights from other like minded people.
You get guidance in setting goals and making good decisions so you're certain you are on the right path.
You learn a lot from hearing others' challenges and the ideas of the group.
You feel supported and celebrated, when you succeed with your goals.
You get to know the fellow members over time and witness their journey - as they witness yours.
What is a mastermind? The mastermind group is a group of typically 4-6 people who meet regularly to support each other. It is a closed, exclusive group with the same few members meeting each time.
What happens at the meetings? The meetings are structured in a specific way, where each member in turn takes the ‘Hot Seat’ and lay out a problem or a challenge they would like help with from the Mastermind group. The other members share their own (similar) experience and brainstorm on different ways to solve the problem.
How much time does it take? We meet once every month for 2,5 hours on Zoom. I know this is a time investment when you are a busy academic but consider all the time you will save when you learn from the mastermind to say no - and yes - to the right things and spend you time wisely. See dates and time for the mastermind below.
I am a female academic, why should I join? The The Next Level Career Mastermind is a safe space to work through the challenges and opportunities you face as a female academic. When you are in the Hot Seat, you are the sole focus of the group’s attention. You explain your problem and get instant feedback, hear new perspectives, and get new and better ideas than you could get on your own. This enables you to move forward instead of feeling stuck.
The Next Level Career Mastermind combines community, support, brainstorming, education and peer-accountability.
How can I be sure to be in a group of like minded people? The Next Level Career Mastermind has two separate groups:
A pre-tenure group and a post-tenue group. The Mastermind group is put together by the coach after a discovery call. This ensures that every member of the group is a good fit.
How about confidentiality? Every members will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. What is shared in the group, stays in the group.
How is a mastermind different from individual coaching? Individual coaching it is a conversation between you and the coach. In a mastermind meeting you get input from the every group member and the coach. An explosion of ideas, experiences, knowledge and solutions.
What is Sanne Frandsen's role in the mastermind? I will facilitate the meetings ensuring that everyone gets their spot in the hot seat and everyone gets to discuss their problem. I will provide input and feedback along with the rest of the group members based on my own knowledge and experience.
What is my commitment to the mastermind? When you sign-up you commit to participating is ALL meetings.
How the mastermind works
The Mastermind Package
6 x Mastermind group sessions online for female academics
Members: 4 to 6 female academics
Your private 60-minute Kickstart Session with me. Set your goals and intention for your participation in the Next Level Career Mastermind.
Meetings: 2,5 hours once a month (via Zoom).
Hot Seats: At each meeting the members will take turns in the “Hot Seat”, presenting a specific issue to the group.
Confidentiality: What we discuss in the group stays in the group.
Accountability: Set goals at each meeting and share success stories.
Duration: 6 months commitment (6 meetings).
Access to exclusive Facebook group only for the Mastermind members.
Price: 199 euro/month for 6 months.
Dates 2023
Pre-tenure Mastermind
Introduction session: January 27
Mastermind session #1: February 24
Mastermind session #2: Marts 24
Mastermind session #3: April 21
Mastermind session #4: May 12
Mastermind session #5: June 2
Mastermind session #6: June 30
Meeting time: 13:00-15:30 CET (Copenhagen time)
Dates 2022
Post-tenue Mastermind
Coming soon

I want to know more!
Please fill out the form below and we'll discuss whether the mastermind is right for you in a 30 minute discovery call.